The Lycée Français International de Muscate, in the Sultanate of Oman, is a private institution under Omani law, managed by the board Committee of the non-profit parents' association. It has an agreement with the Agency for French Education Abroad.
It is certified from Kindergarten to Grade 10. The teaching is therefore in accordance with the French program of the French Ministry of National Education.
The school currently welcomes 275 pupils from kindergarten to grade 12.
<u>Specificities related to teaching in a foreign context:</u>
Teaching experience abroad will be an asset.
An investment in the life of the school and in extracurricular activities will be expected. Indeed, the participation in the influence of the school is part of the mission of the teachers.
A minimum B2 level of English or speaking Arabic will allow better integration into daily life and to interact with English-speaking members of the educational community.
Positions currently available:
Recruitment of full-time primary and secondary teachers (all subjects):
To apply, please send the following documents to
We will not be able to respond individually to unsuccessful candidates. We welcome applications all year round by email at
We also invite you to regularly consult the site Enseigner à l'Etranger.