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The school project.

The 2022-2026 school plan is LFIM's roadmap for the next four years. It was developed throughout the 21/22 school year based on a shared diagnosis.

Three axes have been defined:

For each axis, objectives have been established.

Actions have been proposed to help achieve each of the defined objectives.

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French curriculum

The pedagogical service of the AEFE defines and implements the educational policy of the French education network abroad, in relation with the Ministry of French Education (MEN) and in line with the specificities of national and local contexts. .

French educational excellence for all! This is the fundamental objective, as the AEFE implements it from elementary to middle school. It defines the knowledge and skills that the 21st century citizen must master, for their personal development and professional performance.

The recent reform of high school extends and deepens this ambition, by developing innovative and multidisciplinary approaches, by promoting student autonomy, and the development and support of their personal project. The educational teams are committed to:

  • optimized teaching quality in each subject,
  • harmonized evaluation practices, part of a culture of positive evaluation,
  • an effective implementation of the methods of personalized support in a primary / middle / high school continuum in order to ensure that each student achieves their own path of excellence

Ambitious pedagogical and educational school projects based on an effective and relevant educational policy are encouraged.

A fruitful cooperation with the host country, particularly in all areas of learning, is seek.

Students with special needs welcome and provided with a full support system.


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